I was thinking this week of the relentless battle we sometimes face as we do life, and what it takes for us to hold the line in our Christian walk. The battle is not won by the proud Generals from their lofty positions but by people like you and me; who are not so much defined by our great victories, but of scars and bruises that life has dealt us. What makes us the winners is that everyday we get up, despite the odds, despite what others have said, despite the fear that nips at our heels. We the children of God arise -
What holds you back, what keeps you in the plains of complacency
Instead of pursuing the mountains unknown and untamed.
When the world is full of voices that proclaim what you can’t
Can you discover the dream that says just maybe?
But you’ve failed before
You don’t deserve the chance again
You’re too young
You’re too old
The time is past, or not yet at hand
You’re too shy, what could one person do
Is it God or is it just me
My shoulders may not be squared; my walk may be a limp,
My voice may be less than bold
But I will arise
Because he called me
I will arise
Because he says to
I will arise