Wednesday, June 12, 2013

LU4E / love you forever

Can you fall in love and stay in love forever?
Great question to be sure, and most of us, if not all of us would say yes it is possible, even though we may not have seen it or perhaps experienced it ourselves. Part of the challenge is that it has never been easier to fall in love but it has never been harder to stay in love.

John 13:34
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

I look at this verse and it can be so easy to gloss over it, but don’t. Pause for a second and let it sink in. This is the model; this is how we should love. This was never a suggestion. If you are a follower of Christ then this is a command, this is how you must love … like He did.

This takes love from being a noun (I feel love) to a verb (I choose to love you). The Creator of the Universe stepped down and lived this. Coming not to be served, but to serve, to show us exactly what He meant.

When we remove all the excuses, when we silence all the reasons and justifications for how and what we do and want, it comes down to this … will you love others the same way Jesus loved and loves you. 
Will you chose to be the one who loves first, who is more concerned with relationship than being right?

Will you make love a verb?