Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas is JESUS

Christmas is Jesus - I love this song by Bryan Duncan because it reminds me that in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life, in amongst the crowded shops, the car park dramas, the food, the presents, that Christmas is Jesus, Christmas is about the purpose of God to draw men back to Himself by sending His one and only Son. Christmas was not the event, but the start of the journey that led all the way to the cross. Where the baby in the manager became the Saviour on the cross, who gave himself to take my sin, so I can take His righteousness and have right relationship with God the father.

This Christmas, don’t just share gifts, share the story – His story, it never gets old and it still changes lives – Ric J

“Christmas is Jesus a child for all man, gone from the manger and tomb he lay in.

Christmas is Jesus God’s love coming true; a star from the heavens is fallen for you.”

Song by Bryan Duncan

Thursday, December 2, 2010


DRIVE - we all need it: it helps us going from intention to satisfaction but is so different from being driven. DRIVE will get you up in the morning and keep you going when others drop away, and if you do it well you'll absolutely love the journey along the way.

I had so much fun doing this series at it impacted my life as I reflected on what we learnt along the way. Here are some of the basic thoughts.

There is a fine line between you having DRIVE and you BEING DRIVEN. The problem about being DRIVEN is you never know when you could be taken for a ride!

Are there areas of Discipline in your life you need to look at: balance, boundaries, consistency?

Have you taken time out to Reflect on where you are at: evaluate, encourage, inspire?

How are you going with your Integrity? (1 Cor 9:24-27- will not be disqualified for the prize) For me often it is all about the things I don't see as I drive through life.

Have you checked your Vision? Where are you headed, are the choices you are making helping you move forward or dragging you back?

Don't give up / you are equal to the challenge no matter what it is. You are in the drivers seat, you have the drive, and you are not on your own. That is how you have the Endurance to go the distance, do the drive, and do it well.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Team Ministry

We are ALL individuals but we are ALL called as one body.
So that means, we need to learn to do team really well, because no matter who you are, no matter what you do, we will always be connected to others; so to be effective learn the power of team ministry.

Great passage on this 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
some keys out of this passage to think about and meditate on:
  • the body is one unit (never forget that when we all come together we need to be one)
  • the body is made up of many parts (so don't complain about people who are different to you)
  • all these parts play a role (even the people that you are not sure about ... God is)
  • God has arranged the parts of the body (just as HE wants them to be)
  • there should be no division in the body (God really does want us to be in unity and get along)
  • if one part suffers we all suffer (so it is actually in our best interest to help those who need our help)
  • you are part of this body (just in case you were wondering....)
This is such an amazing passage of Scripture as it helps put us as individuals back into context. We are not unimportant, but we are not the most important, together we are all important and together we make a massive difference in changing and impacting this world for good and for God.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


We live in a fallen world; we are surrounded by great beauty but also by great brokenness. The great paradox is that from our viewpoint we see that which is broken, and yes, maybe it can be repaired and fixed – but it will never be WHOLE. But God’s Word says differently.

John 3:16, 17 God sent Jesus to SAVE us. That word saved in the Greek means so much more than just rescued. But it is a complete work, healing, wholeness, provision and protection. That is why Jesus said on the cross, "it is finished". We are the ones who struggle to see ourselves whole and therefore we are always striving and working towards being whole. The crazy thing is - you already are 'in Christ'. So really the battle should be to bring your thinking in line with the Word or God and start seeing yourself the way God sees you.

Wholeness starts by knowing who HE is in you.

1 Thess 5:23, 1 Cor 6:11, 2 Peter 1:3

Wholeness is learning who you are in HIM.

2 Peter 1:2,3, Phil 3:9,10, John 8:31, 32, Psalm 1:3

To learn who you are in HIM you have to learn to abide in HIM

John 15:3,5, James 1:22, Rom 10:17, Heb 4:12, 2 Tim 3:16,17

I am whole because of what He says about me, nothing else - That is faith in action right there.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Journey of Hope

Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Hope takes the ordinary and paints it with colour.

Hope stirs the heart and inspires the soul.

Hope is a confident expectation.

So much more than a physical emotion, hope is a spiritual grace.

Hope is at times hidden, but in the midst of a challenge is when it has the chance to shine.

That is why for a Christian you need to put your hope in God.

If the devil can steal your hope, you lose your joy, if you lose your joy you are without strength.

“Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working.” Dale Carnegie

“Hope never abandons you; you abandon it” George Weinberg

“When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God.” Charles L. Allen

1 Peter 1:13

Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. (hope to the end)

Not just filled with hope from the God of hope but overflowing with hope from above. Hope is the meeting place where grace and faith collide. I love hope; it fills me with great expectation and stimulates passion for the purposes of God.

Set your hope in God and don’t be moved.

Monday, August 2, 2010

More on Prayer

I wrote this poem after a lot of reflection on Prayer

Prayer is more than simply communicating.
It is more than the dictionary meaning or the frail understanding of humanity.

Prayer rises through the defiant lips of the one who stands in the gap for breakthrough.
It shouts with declarations of faith and victory in the midst of overwhelming odds.

Prayer whispers in the recesses of emotion of what could be, if only.
Prayer bubbles out in the tumult of sorrow that threatens to engulf.
Not always manifested by cleverly constructed phrases, but at times evidenced by groaning and unknown words from the breaking soul.

Prayer grows in the background conscience of the one caught in a web of their own destruction,
as they desperately try to navigate through the closing darkness.
No longer to be contained it seeps through in simplicity as a cry from the lost soul to a known or unknown creator.

Prayer celebrates the journey and petitions for the path untravelled.
It rises around to bring hope and comfort, direction and clarity.
Prayer shows us what is and what could be, it opens us to another perspective and reveals us as we really are.
It strips down the layers and builds up wholeness.

Prayer is breathing out the cares and distractions of this world and breathing in the grace and peace of God.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I love some of these definitions of prayer:
To pray is to breathe. Do it deeply and you will be filled with life. Julie Mann
Prayer is the practice of the presence of God. anon
Prayer is breathing out the cares and distractions of this world and breathing in the grace and peace of God. Ric
Prayer is the privilege of touching the heart of the Father through the Son of God, Jesus our Lord. anon
Prayer is opening your eyes to view things through God's perspective. Ric
Prayer is the oxygen of the spirit and the soul. Craig Hepplewhite

In a world that is about simplifying, self-sufficiency, self-gratification, self this and self that prayer is the one thing that centres me so much more completly in the will of God.
It isn't complicated, it isn't judged, it is as personal and sacred as you make it and not just something to be considered, pursued, or practised. But rather something to be enjoyed, celebrated, and as natural as breathing.
To truly know God you must spend time with Him and we connect through prayer.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Worship existed before music even came into the equation – right back in Genesis. We are created to worship. People in every culture in the world worship something – the sun, the moon, a leader or a prophet. For most of us today our challenge is not worshipping false gods, it’s whether we worship God or ourselves. Every day we need to choose to focus on God rather than on ourselves.

Worship is much more than just singing a few songs. When you have the right attitude about worship, your time in church on Sunday, including the worship time, becomes your number one momentum boost for your entire week. Yet we can be just ‘going through the motions’ – not actually receiving any input from God in the same meeting that others get so much from.

Worship is:

· The value we place on a thing

· The level of priority we give it

· The sacrifice we will make for it

In today’s self-centred society, most people focus on, and in a sense worship, themselves and their own opinions. Worshipping God is one of the keys to generating spiritual momentum. It gets our focus off ourselves and onto Him.

Monday, June 21, 2010

To be content

Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.

I can't believe how busy life can get, and then we catch ourselves running around reacting to our chaotic world to try and bring some order and calm again.

One trait that is so attractive is someone who is content. What a great place to be - content. I find great comfort in this verse as contentment doesn't come naturally to me, but Paul says, "I have learned". That is so awesome, you can learn content, it is something all of us are able to work on and a noble pursuit. My natural default position may be far from content, but this is something that can change, like learning any new skill it just requires practice, repetition and consistent discipline.

Every situation and challenge is now not just the issue before me but an opportunity to help me learn to be content, and from that place of resting I will more clearly see God's grace at work in my life and through my life.

Now, I too will catch myself and not just speak in regard to need, but learn to be content, because I know this is something I really can learn and the rewards are so worth the pursuit.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

5 Steps to live your best life

1. Believe in yourself

• If you don’t believe in yourself, why would anyone else?
• What do you see when you look in the mirror?
We all develop a healthy self image more than being born with it.
o Don’t take yourself too seriously – no one else does!
o Exercise / diet / sleep – believing in a better tomorrow that you are
going to be a part of.

Winston Churchill wrote “History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.”

• Plan an hour per day for “Me Time – you can become an expert!
• Radiate a genuine, positive attitude. Positive people help to bring us up. Negative people help to bring us down
No one else can raise your self esteem
Be consistent in 4 areas;
• Be kind
• Be honourable – integrity is high self esteem
• Be productive
• Be proactive not reactive

2. Connect

Personal relationships are the jewel of life. We’re social by nature; we can only be so happy alone.
Good habits are the key to success, and they are established equally through commitment, discipline and accountability.

"Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."
~ Andrew Carnegie

Great accomplishments require great relationships. There is something so invigorating about getting out of your comfort zone and connecting with others side by side in a challenge. The momentum it creates is its own reward.

3. Follow Your Dreams

“It's amazing what ordinary people can do if they set out without preconceived notions.”
Author: Charles F. Kettering

Goals are dreams with timelines. Articulate goals and write them down. As soon as you have clarity you have power.

Do you love your job? If not, why in the world are you doing it?
The most common answer is bills. We need money to live; we need a job for money; therefore, we work to survive.

But the survival instinct is the basest of human motivations.
If you think chasing your dreams is hard, consider how much harder it is to work in an uninspiring job for thirty years, wasting away in a cycle of mindless production and consumption. Dare to dream again.

4. Contribute

“You make a living by what you get but you make a life by what you give.” Winston Churchill.

Our potential is revealed in the extent to which we give.
We give our gift; others express appreciation; we too endorse our contribution, and the end result is that we feel good.

“Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others.”
Barbara Bush

You can also contribute to the world by volunteering, helping a family member, or donating. The world needs you, and you need it. Give back. Receive joy.

5. Be Thankful

Have an attitude of gratitude. Being thankful is a habit – and it’s the best one you can ever have.

The fact that we recognize our shortcomings (so we can improve them) does not mean we can’t be thankful for all the wonderful things we already are; all the gifts we already possess.

Life is the greatest gift of all, so we should all be thankful for the breath in our lungs, and I’m sure you can think of a few other blessings if you set your mind to it.

“In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but the gratefulness that makes us happy.” Albert Clarke

An attitude of gratitude is powerful because it helps us recognize our gifts, our talents, which helps us feel comfortable with our place in the world and highlights the unique contributions waiting to spring forth from within us, making the world a better place and leading us toward our dreams.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

You Gotto Have SOUL

3 John 1:2

2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

Prosper means: to help on the road, succeed in reaching.

True prosperity –

The ability to use God’s power to meet the needs of mankind in any realm of life. (anon)

Key: prosper outwardly as you prosper inwardly

Divine prosperity is not momentary but ongoing.

Money can buy you...

· A skilled doctor but not health.

· A high-priced psychiatrist but not peace.

· A house but not a home.

· Clothes for your children but not their respect.

· A vacation but not enjoyment.

· A car but not safety.

· Food but not contentment.

· A Bible but not understanding.

· Shrewd lawyers but not justice.

· A beautiful church building but not spiritual people.

· Companionship but not friendship.

· A wedding but not a marriage.

Here are a bunch of verses to ponder your way through:

Matt 16:26 – what does it profit if gain world but lose SOUL

Psl 106:15 – He gave them what they asked but sent leanness of SOUL

Psl 142:7 – bring my SOUL out of prison that I may praise Your name

Matt 22:37 – Love the Lord ... all your heart, SOUL, mind

James 1:2-4 God wants us to lack nothing

Prov 18:16 Wealth makes room for you – you must make room for it first.

Phil 4:19 God supplies your need – what do you need to do what God has told you to do?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Manifesting the Power of God

1 Corinthians 2:4, 5

And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

The question is not – I don’t know if I’m called to actually do anything?

If you are a Christian you are called!

The question is – what am I going to do with the message of the cross?

1) To Manifest the Power of God – you have got to get out of your natural thinking.

Stop trying to figure God out. Reasoning is the enemy of faith.

Start to see yourself doing mighty things, not just for God but with God.

2) To Manifest the Power of God – you must allow God to change you.

God moves if we are willing.

“Progress is impossible without change & those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” George Bernard Shaw

3) To Manifest the Power of God – is to fully preach the Gospel of Christ.

I don’t really like anything watered down / neither does anyone else. Generally people accept you more when you are real and forward than if you are subversive and concealing.

4) If you want to manifest the Power of God then develop the Fruit of the Spirit.

Gifts come to us – but fruit must be grown.

As much as a plane needs the engines to get off the ground it needs the wings to hold it off the ground and stabilise it to be effective. So also, we need the gifts to be like the engine but without the fruit it will never be sustainable.

As we draw closer to God then I believe that we will not necessarily focus on manifesting the power of God – but that this will be a result (fruit) and evidence of our connection and walk in grace. Focus on the grace giver today and allow what he has done in you to be known and watch what God does.