Christmas is Jesus - I love this song by Bryan Duncan because it reminds me that in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life, in amongst the crowded shops, the car park dramas, the food, the presents, that Christmas is Jesus, Christmas is about the purpose of God to draw men back to Himself by sending His one and only Son. Christmas was not the event, but the start of the journey that led all the way to the cross. Where the baby in the manager became the Saviour on the cross, who gave himself to take my sin, so I can take His righteousness and have right relationship with God the father.
This Christmas, don’t just share gifts, share the story – His story, it never gets old and it still changes lives – Ric J
“Christmas is Jesus a child for all man, gone from the manger and tomb he lay in.
Christmas is Jesus God’s love coming true; a star from the heavens is fallen for you.”
Song by Bryan Duncan
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