Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Possessing your future changing somebody elses is all dependent on what you do and what you will invest and give in the now!
Ps. Mark Ramsey

Have a quick read through Matthew 25:14-28, the parable of the talents.

Too many people worrying about what they dont have rather than making the best use of what they do have!

People are so often so busy looking at what other people have, or what they want they fail to see the way forward is to use what they already have!!

Opportunities arent lost; they are just given to somebody else.
God never asks us to do something we cant do, or to give something we dont have.

The question is always what will you do with what you have?

If you want God to move you into your future, you will need to do something, give something in your present! Look at what you have you do have time, you do have some gifts and talents, you do have a little treasure.
Everything we possess is a starting point for the future.
Whatever we have is enough to move us to another level.

Even though it seems a little in His hands it can achieve much! What are you going to do with what God has blessed you with today?