Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Daddy's Girl

My daughter turned 18 the other day. I have been through this before with my son who is now nearly 20, but for some reason, this was different.

Maybe, it’s because there is something seriously wrong with this world – we objectify women and turn love into lust, desire into depravity, concern into coveting, and serving into selfishness. Our failing morality is at the cost of someone’s little girl ... how can this be?

Or, we expose them to a world they are not ready for, they grow up too early, expectations are unrealistic, standards are set by pop culture, and opinions shaped by the masses who are fickle at best.

Let me share a tiny portion of a letter I wrote to my little girl.

She is turning 18, oh wait, it has happened already, so soon,
I wasn’t ready.
I remember when you were so small, so dependent, so helpless,
You were looking out of those big beautiful eyes at a world before you, with wonder and amazement.
You embraced life from the start with a passion and zeal, you danced in the rain, you sang your own song, and ... you were my little girl.
Cheeky, but focused; playful but purposeful. Each new task, each new day an adventure. I watched you grow so quickly before my eyes.

... and then this at the end ...
So how do I feel? Happy, proud, sad, blessed, expectant, alone.
I only have one little girl and in my heart that will always be, but as I look; As I steal a glance there is a young woman standing where my little girl used to be.
Be that woman of God and leave a legacy that changes your world for the glory of God.

Dad’s go hug your sons, love your daughter’s. Mother’s don’t miss a moment to encourage, inspire and embrace them. For soon, so soon, they will be grown and you will hold your breath as they step out of the nest to fly. Pray you have done a good job, pray they are ready, pray they live a life that glorifies God and make a difference.