But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.
I can't help but feeling sometimes I can be a bit of a crack pot, or that if you look closely it doesn't take long to see the cracks, the blemishes, the parts of me that are not quite as perfect as one would hope. And I have to tell you .... I like it.
There is something refreshing about being real, allowing the walls to drop, the perceptions to fade, and the expectation to be set to the side. The vessel was never meant to be the point of focus - it has always been about the treasure. Often we get so caught up in the pursuit of improving the vessel that we focus less and less on the treasure. Of course the vessel should be sound, it should be able to hold the treasure, it needs to be as clean as possible - but the focus is the treasure.
Maybe when people see you up close, cracks appear, maybe you haven't got it all sorted out and in order - but you are a vessel. You are His vessel, a vessel of honour that carries His treasure and even though you may have some cracks if He is in you, then what spills out will be more than alright.