Wednesday, May 19, 2010

You Gotto Have SOUL

3 John 1:2

2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

Prosper means: to help on the road, succeed in reaching.

True prosperity –

The ability to use God’s power to meet the needs of mankind in any realm of life. (anon)

Key: prosper outwardly as you prosper inwardly

Divine prosperity is not momentary but ongoing.

Money can buy you...

· A skilled doctor but not health.

· A high-priced psychiatrist but not peace.

· A house but not a home.

· Clothes for your children but not their respect.

· A vacation but not enjoyment.

· A car but not safety.

· Food but not contentment.

· A Bible but not understanding.

· Shrewd lawyers but not justice.

· A beautiful church building but not spiritual people.

· Companionship but not friendship.

· A wedding but not a marriage.

Here are a bunch of verses to ponder your way through:

Matt 16:26 – what does it profit if gain world but lose SOUL

Psl 106:15 – He gave them what they asked but sent leanness of SOUL

Psl 142:7 – bring my SOUL out of prison that I may praise Your name

Matt 22:37 – Love the Lord ... all your heart, SOUL, mind

James 1:2-4 God wants us to lack nothing

Prov 18:16 Wealth makes room for you – you must make room for it first.

Phil 4:19 God supplies your need – what do you need to do what God has told you to do?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Manifesting the Power of God

1 Corinthians 2:4, 5

And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

The question is not – I don’t know if I’m called to actually do anything?

If you are a Christian you are called!

The question is – what am I going to do with the message of the cross?

1) To Manifest the Power of God – you have got to get out of your natural thinking.

Stop trying to figure God out. Reasoning is the enemy of faith.

Start to see yourself doing mighty things, not just for God but with God.

2) To Manifest the Power of God – you must allow God to change you.

God moves if we are willing.

“Progress is impossible without change & those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” George Bernard Shaw

3) To Manifest the Power of God – is to fully preach the Gospel of Christ.

I don’t really like anything watered down / neither does anyone else. Generally people accept you more when you are real and forward than if you are subversive and concealing.

4) If you want to manifest the Power of God then develop the Fruit of the Spirit.

Gifts come to us – but fruit must be grown.

As much as a plane needs the engines to get off the ground it needs the wings to hold it off the ground and stabilise it to be effective. So also, we need the gifts to be like the engine but without the fruit it will never be sustainable.

As we draw closer to God then I believe that we will not necessarily focus on manifesting the power of God – but that this will be a result (fruit) and evidence of our connection and walk in grace. Focus on the grace giver today and allow what he has done in you to be known and watch what God does.