Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Worship existed before music even came into the equation – right back in Genesis. We are created to worship. People in every culture in the world worship something – the sun, the moon, a leader or a prophet. For most of us today our challenge is not worshipping false gods, it’s whether we worship God or ourselves. Every day we need to choose to focus on God rather than on ourselves.
Worship is much more than just singing a few songs. When you have the right attitude about worship, your time in church on Sunday, including the worship time, becomes your number one momentum boost for your entire week. Yet we can be just ‘going through the motions’ – not actually receiving any input from God in the same meeting that others get so much from.
Worship is:
· The value we place on a thing
· The level of priority we give it
· The sacrifice we will make for it
In today’s self-centred society, most people focus on, and in a sense worship, themselves and their own opinions. Worshipping God is one of the keys to generating spiritual momentum. It gets our focus off ourselves and onto Him.