Here is the deal, the stats tell us that currently around 50% of marriages end in divorce. If I was to tell you there is an intersection just up the road where if you drove through you would have a 50% chance of crashing and getting seriously injured ... you just wouldn’t drive there. You would be crazy to get into a car and head towards that intersection ... especially if you just saw the car in front make it through.
Yet this is what we have been doing when we play THE DATING GAME.
There has to be a better way, if God created this thing, then there must be a way to navigate it and still enjoy life – because God is into SEX, He invented it. But we have lost our way and are off the freeway of blessing and into the rugged roads of compromise.
Let’s face it – for most of us the way we play the game doesn’t come from any great revelation but from watching – Parents, family, TV, movies, others. So at the end of the day we have to come to the conclusion we are pretty well just giving it a go based on what we think we know!
I think we need to come back to the Bible and find out what God has to say about relationships and how to navigate the journey rather than just being led by POP culture or opinions of the day – just a thought!