Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I kind of find it funny that some people react to this in a negative way. I know there are certainly excesses out there when it comes to the prosperity message, but there are excesses out there for everything.

I will never apologise for preaching the BLESSED message. I am one of those people who actually still believe the Gospel as the GOOD NEWS …. The reality for a Christ Follower is that they ARE BLESSED, right now. Unless you can really get that, you may never see it no matter what the bank account says.

Some of the meanings for blessed are – consecrated; sacred; holy; sanctified: divinely or supremely favoured; fortunate: to be blessed with a strong, healthy body; blessed with an ability to find friends; blissfully happy or contented.

James 1:17 says, Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens…
When you look at this verse, the meanings of BLESSED, and the message of the Gospel then something should stir within you and remind you of the goodness of God, the Grace of the Lord Jesus and the future we have in Him.

I am BLESSED, and because I know that I have a responsibility now to live in such a way that glorifies a God who has BLESSED me, and be a blessing to a world that is yet to meet Him. You are BLESSED, no matter what you are facing right now; you face it as someone who is already BLESSED.

Now you may need to work that out into your present circumstances. Circumstances always change, but God and His Word will never change. Something always ends up shifting and if you are planted on the Word, you won’t shift, your circumstances will.
Why? It’s simple really, you are BLESSED.
But maybe that is just what I believe and you may disagree, that's okay, it doesn't change the reality for me, I am BLESSED.