DRIVE - we all need it: it helps us going from intention to satisfaction but is so different from being driven. DRIVE will get you up in the morning and keep you going when others drop away, and if you do it well you'll absolutely love the journey along the way.
I had so much fun doing this series at it impacted my life as I reflected on what we learnt along the way. Here are some of the basic thoughts.
There is a fine line between you having DRIVE and you BEING DRIVEN. The problem about being DRIVEN is you never know when you could be taken for a ride!
Are there areas of Discipline in your life you need to look at: balance, boundaries, consistency?
Have you taken time out to Reflect on where you are at: evaluate, encourage, inspire?
How are you going with your Integrity? (1 Cor 9:24-27- will not be disqualified for the prize) For me often it is all about the things I don't see as I drive through life.
Have you checked your Vision? Where are you headed, are the choices you are making helping you move forward or dragging you back?
Don't give up / you are equal to the challenge no matter what it is. You are in the drivers seat, you have the drive, and you are not on your own. That is how you have the Endurance to go the distance, do the drive, and do it well.