Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Let it go

Most of us do / most of us struggle to keep them past a few weeks
They are often great ideas / but we just got to much going on – too much baggage, too much undealt with stuff.


We tend to drag it around year after year, adding to the pile.
Maybe it's time to clean up and get rid of the junk.

Maybe we need to let something GO so that in 2012 we can GROW!

Grab a pen / pencil and a piece of paper and spend some time reflecting on this year and some of the areas that perhaps it is time to deal with so that you are setting yourself up for success in 2012.

1) What didn’t I give my best to this year?
How often do we hold back, prioritize other things, and instead of giving our best, we tend to give what is left.

2) Revisit your values.
Am I on track?
Does what I am doing line up with my values?
It may not be that we just went bad, but as we reflect maybe we just got a little off-track.
What has crept into my world that I really need to let go?

3) Sort out relationships.
Sometimes Christmas can be pretty stressful, especially if you have some stressful relationships.
This isn't about who was right and who was wrong, this is about relationship.
Maybe you can't even see this person, but you can still forgive them - forgiveness is about releasing you.
Do you have ANYTHING AGAINST ANYONE? Write is down.

4)Deal with unresolved inner conflict.
What is bringing you internal stress?
Maybe it wasn't even your fault, maybe it was - does it matter at the end of the day - maybe today is time to let it go?
What about - God is this what I should be doing?
You can't move forward with uncertainty.

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