Wednesday, December 12, 2012
It’s FINE, don’t worry about it.

Sunday, November 11, 2012
Thoughts from Isaiah 54
I very rarely do this but this passage of Scripture has been in my heart since COC National conference in September.
Enlarge the place of your tent,
You need to make space for the place. Stop shrinking back, there has been a time of consolidation but now is a time to enlarge.
and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out;
Too many people getting stressed instead of getting stretched. You can't stretch if you are not green, not dry & hard. Not proud but humble. As we stretch out we create a place of covering. We extend our place of covering.
spare not;
This is a time of generosity. Gather containers & not just a few. Like the woman in the Bible told by the Prophet. The oil only stopped because she had run out of containers.
lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes,
You need to go deeper if you want to go higher. We are only as strong as the weakest link. We know that often it is first natural then the spiritual. Maybe you need to pray more / lengthen your cords. Maybe you need to be in the Word of God more / strengthen your stakes.
For you will spread abroad to the right hand and to the left;
And The Lord added DAILY / multiplication. Increase by multiplication is a lot more exciting than addition. Be it in your walk with God, your business or your area of ministry.
and your offspring will possess the nations and make the desolate
cities to be inhabited.
This is generational. Not just to occupy but to POSSES. A place that had no life now supports life. We are to bring that life. And MAKE a place of habitation. God inhabits the praises of His people.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012
When Boys become Men
Sunday, August 12, 2012
CARING, when it hurts
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Daddy's Girl
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Prayer is more than simply communicating. It is more than the dictionary meaning or the frail understanding of humanity.
Prayer rises through the defiant lips of the one who stands in the gap for breakthrough. It shouts with declarations of faith and victory in the midst of overwhelming odds.
Prayer whispers in the recesses of emotion of what could be, if only.
Prayer bubbles out in the tumult of sorrow that threatens to engulf. Not always manifested by cleverly constructed phrases, but at times evidenced by groaning and unknown words from the breaking soul.
Prayer grows in the background conscience of the one caught in a web of their own destruction, as they desperately try to navigate through the closing darkness. No longer to be contained it seeps through in simplicity as a cry from the lost soul to a known or unknown creator.
Prayer celebrates the journey and petitions for the path untravelled. It rises around to bring hope and comfort, direction and clarity.
Prayer shows us what is and what could be, it opens us to another perspective and reveals us as we really are. It strips down the layers and builds up wholeness.
Prayer is breathing out the cares and distractions of this world and breathing in the grace and peace of God.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

1 Timothy 6:11
But you man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.
Is there a difference between being RIGHT & being RIGHTEOUS?
Where we go wrong is when we treat our preference as a principle. It seems like a principle, maybe it is even a conviction for you, but it could still be a preference.
Maturity is when you get a tiny inkling in the back of your mind that there is the smallest possibility, no matter how unlikely, that you just could in fact potentially be wrong / or not know quite as much as you were sure you knew before.
Perhaps there is more to learn.
More than being right, I want to be known as one who pursues righteousness.
Right is all about you
Righteous is all about God
Monday, February 13, 2012
Would you choose the CROSS?
The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps – we must step up the stairs. - Vance Hayner
1. YOU have to go UP.
God was constantly ticked at the Israelites because of the images set UP at the high places.
Look at the High places that we SET UP in our lives - possessions, work, hobbies, habits; actually anything that comes between us & God can be a high place – spouses, children, even ministry!
We need to make a conscious decision to shake off all the extra stuff if we want to go UP.
2. What are you lifting UP?
John 12:32
But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.
John 8:28
So Jesus said, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am the one I claim to be and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me.
There is a double meaning hidden in here – YES this speaks of the crucifixion but it is so much more than that – we need to be Lifting Jesus UP!
Sometimes we tend to LIFT UP our problems more than our solutions.
It is only because of problems that we grow mentally and spiritually. - M. Scott Peck
3. Time to TAKE UP the CROSS.
The image of the cross is discernable in every area of Christianity.
Most of us have a cross – we where it as jewellery, as a token of our faith. I know for most of us we don’t want to belittle it – but the reality is we don’t understand the cross like it was ….
Jesus’ life was dominated by the CROSS – it was His noble pursuit.
Many people interpret the cross as ‘a burden to bear, a challenge to overcome, or a part of life they just have to press through. Most Christians would view the cross as a symbol of atonement, forgiveness and grace.
BUT … make no mistake that is not what the Disciples thought … to a person in the 1st century the cross meant only one thing: death by the most painful and humiliating means human beings could develop.
Taking up the cross meant torture
Taking up the cross meant certain death
Taking up the cross meant humiliation
And none of this was symbolic or to be avoided. Once the cross was on your shoulders there was only one outcome.
Would you choose the cross?
It is said of the missionaries of the 19th century, embarking on missions overseas, that they often packed their belongs in a coffin instead of a trunk so they would have something to be buried in. They never expected to return.
Would you choose the cross?
The cross is painful / no pain no gain.
The cross is certain death / dying to ourselves every day. More than a decision made at an altar call.
The cross in external & internal / it demands sacrifice.
Would you choose the cross?
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Kicking goals with your goals!

How many things have you read about setting goals, achieving your goals, reaching your goals, confessing your goals, and the list just goes on and on?
Then we tend to swing back the other way and decide to not set any goals, rather than drown under the weight of expectation that we have created for ourselves. The only thing is though, without a goal, without a clear objective you can’t be sure that you are actually making progress, moving forward, making the most out of the year before you.
Proverbs 16:9 needs to be read in conjunction with Proverbs 16:3. We make our plans, and then we commit them to the Lord that is our part; God then directs and determines the best course of action that is His part. If you haven’t done your part how can you expect God to bless your ‘nothing’?
So this year, maybe look at having fewer goals but just make sure they are S.M.A.R.T – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time sensitive – and then be sure to submit them to the Lord.
Simplicity of focus brings clarity of purpose.